Monday, September 30, 2019

Enlightenment and Romanticism

Constructions of reading/writing in the British literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism Robinson Crusoe, which was written by Daniel Defoe, was published in 1719. At the time of its publish, a revolution was taking place all across Europe known as the Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment period was a time of conflict, suffering, and also a time of growth for society. This revolutionary time period gave birth to such terms as deism, rationalism, skepticism, and empiricism. The period also saw an uprising in a new ideology towards human thought.Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe is primarily defined by a mythic conversion experience as the novel's core narrative structure traces the hero's transition from social isolation and disconnection to self-actualisation and social reintegration. As sole survivor of a shipwreck, Crusoe has to survive in, and adapt to a space which he initially experiences as alien and threatening, and he gradually begins to transform himself along with hi s environment. By the time he leaves the island 28 years later, he has become a resourceful and capable ruler over an economically viable cultural monopoly.This conversion process is exemplified by Crusoe's appropriation of the island, as this space becomes the site onto which all of his anxieties and aspirations are inscribed. Consequently, the island is â€Å"transformed† from untamed wilderness into a cultivated â€Å"paradise† that bears testament to both Enlightenment rectitude and Western accomplishment. As such, the central aim of this article is to examine how Crusoe's conversion of an unknown, marginal and ambiguous geographical locale into a prototypical British colony establishes a monologic world order on the island that defines identity as fixed and the island space as contained.In the Bakhtinian sense, a monologic world is closed, static, and limiting in the way in which it denies the Other. In Robinson Crusoe, a monologic world view is manifested by Crus oe's experience of and adaptation to space as well as processes of identity formation. In this regard, Crusoe's relation to space emulates processes of colonisation, as illustrated by his appropriation and domestication of the island. Furthermore, Crusoe's relation to space also reveals his identity to adhere to an unyielding and codified structure of hierarchy and authority. Crusoe ecreates this monologic structure on the island by appointing himself as master over the island's animal and human residents. Accordingly, literature of the time placed great emphasis on the importance of rationalism and moral righteousness and dealt with themes that showed the importance of conforming to socially acceptable ideals for the sake of achieving self-actualisation. In Robinson Crusoe, Enlightenment ideals are articulated by the novel's compounding theme of individual advancement from a primitive state to a productive, ordered and purposeful existence.Though life seems to have been experienced as a vale of tears since the beginning of recorded history, the manner of feeling has changed considerably from one culture epoch to another. Every reader knows that â€Å"sentimentalism†,used almost invariably today to condemn the excessive,maudlin,or false emotional response,refers also to a benevolistic ideal which from at least 1740s made tears rather than leers a mark of society. From Goldsmith`s writings, a reader can see that the focus centers on the simple agrarian life style of the yeoman farmer.This focus would be natural, since Goldsmith was born and raised in the rural culture of Ireland. Goldsmith and other pre-romantics had a cautious distrust for industrialism, while the Romantics had developed later a strong aversion toward the destruction of rural communities throughout England, Ireland, and Scotland. The Vicar of Wakefield discusses the loss of nobility, faith, and innocence. Oddly, The Vicar of Wakefield did not achieve any greatness until the 19th century .In his advertisement about the book, Goldsmith states, â€Å"The hero of this piece unites in himself the three greatest characters upon earth; he is a priest, an husbandman, and the father of a family. † The protagonist is the sort of man that we can all admire. Through the character of Dr. Primrose, the reader will watch a man of honor try to combat the decay of his society around him by attempting to stay true to his own principles, even when he seems to fail to impress these principles upon his own family, particularly his wife and daughters.Like a conlusion, the first novel shows us the truth,the right situation when the man should be satisfied within his limitations,the work for him is a noble thing and he is driving by ideas,by the other hand in the second novel ,the literary form is more orginal,every day experience and by the way in prim-plan sets the feelings . The feelings provide knowledge and here is no limits, no adventure, no leisure: ‘painful feeling of incomplete destiny†. For the society in romanticism is important alienation and for enlightenment ,the order and the authority ineherently good.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Growing Up African American

I am a member of the African American group and I would like to tell you a bit about the group of when I am a part of. Let me start by saying that my African American group originated from Africa and growing up in America can be tough for people of my race, the African Americans. My group’s history is wide ranging spanning for many years and varying from region to region within the United States. I remember when I was young I use to talk to my mother a lot and asked her many questions like â€Å"Why am I called an African American? She went on to explain that our race originally comes from Africa and we were part of a slave trade. From my mother I learned that we were slaves until a law was passed to give us freedom. I use to wonder when I was young if there were other people similar to me all over America. I also remember something my father told me once that African Americans live all over the country. My father told stories of how he used to go to an all black school could vote or sit in the front of buses. Being African Americans have faced several kinds of creation and consequence situations in the years they have been a part of the United States. In some places cheaper labor, longer work hours and terrible living conditions. Many people of the United States have made it almost impossible for groups of another race or Ethnicity to strive and live full happy lives. I have seen over the year’s situations of extermination in some parts, as well segregation, and expulsion. In school from some of my teachers, in social interactions like just walking through a store, and especially in the work place when they’ll even give me the chance to work because it doesn’t matter I go to get a job out here. There are some racist, even the Uncle Tom’s. I’ve done everything they ask and still I either get denied the job or they hire me and treat me like Growing up African American 3 trash until I quit, or they try to find a reason to get rid of me. Since, I don’t give them much reason to get rid of me due to my strong work ethic and performance; they usually try to break me down. Education plays an important role for most African Americans; however we are still way behind when compared to the White American which probably has a lot to do with the way some of us was brought up or our background. Regardless of the contributions made by the forefathers of black people, there is a hesitation of acceptance of the race that has been a focus of many groups the strive for freedom and justice for all, that has not yet been rectified. The same group of people was good enough to built the country is not always seen as good enough to live in the house next door. I believe because this country is made up of many different races and ethnic groups that are steadily growing in numbers. If different races are toco exist peacefully in the U. S. , it is vital that we all become educated on the history and culture of different races and ethnicities. According to the 2000 Census data for Lexington, MS the total population for 2000 were 2,025 male 965 and female 1,060 square miles 2. 45. Race: white (635); black or African American (1,362); American Indian and Alaska Native (1); Asian (13); and two or more races (14); and Hispanic or Latino (of any race) (40) (Fact finder Census 2000). Birthplace facts from the 2000 census data in Lexington born in the same state (1,706); born in another state (269); born outside the US (0); naturalized citizen (14); and foreign born, not US citizen (10). Some more 2000 census data in educational attainment population 25 and older was 1,206 in Lexington: high school graduates (299); some college, or associate’s degree (349); bachelor’s degree (111); and master’s, professional or doctorate degree (60). Some enrollment population 3 years and over Growing up African American 4 enrolled in school was 627: preschool and kindergarten (83); grades 1-12 (446); and college (98) (2000 census data).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Steve Jobs as one of the most influential business leaders of our time Term Paper

Steve Jobs as one of the most influential business leaders of our time - Term Paper Example Sadly for Steve, he never knew the love of his parents who later on decided to get married and then have another child, a daughter they named Mona. The unwanted baby was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs who by profession were an accountant and coast guard veteran respectively. They lived in the Mountain View area of Silicone Valley where as a boy, Steve was influenced by his fathers affinity for all things electronic. He would spend many a day and hours learning how to take electronic things apart and put them back together from his father. It was this activity that kick-started Steve's lifelong love affair with all things electronic and technical. Always a man ahead of his time, a young Steven had problems adjusting to regular academic life. He was known as a prankster at school who needed to be coaxed into completing his tasks. Though unfocused and unwilling to sit down and be taught, the principal of his school and his teachers agreed that his boredom and restlessness came from the fact that his intellectual ability was not challenged at his current academic level. The boy tested with a high school learning curve as early as the 4th grade but his parents refused to let the school accelerate him to the proper academic level as dictated by his intellectual quotient exams. By 1971, Steve found himself enrolled at Homestead High School where he would go on to meet Apple co-founder and future business partner Steve Wozniak. Wozniak was, at the time, attending the University of Michigan. Both men had an affinity for computers and other common interests, including an independent mind attitude about how things should be done in the world. It was also this close affinity that would lead to their parting of their business ways later on in their lives. (â€Å"Steve Jobs†) Although Steve enrolled at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, his lack of direction in life led hi to drop out after only 6 months. He would then spend 18 months in creative classes where he would develop a keen interest in calligraphy, which became one of the most notable aspects of Apple Computers later on. In 1974, Steve tried his hand at working for a computer software company and found himself employed at Atari. But even this exposure to the business side of computers left Steve aimless. He spent a period of time trying to find spiritual fulfillment in India along with his use of psychedelic drugs. This was the time when the aimless boy began to find himself and develop into an innovative thinker, far ahead of his time. By 1976 he had convinced Wozniack to team up with him so they could establish Apple Computers with its head office located in his parent's garage. Steve Job's vision at this time was to create a personal computer far different from the mainframes that offices were using this era. His was going to be small enough to fit in a corner in the home and be easy enough for even a child to use. With Wozniack's help, the two men created the first personal computer for home use. Their first Apple computer was sold for $666.66 each. It was from that sale that the home office began to grow to eventually become the juggernaut computer software and hardware leader that it has now become. But the Apple computer as Steve Wozniack had put it together was far from perfect. Jobs knew that there was room for improvement. He just could not put his finger on what that improvement needed to be.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Competency to Stand Trial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Competency to Stand Trial - Research Paper Example With the rise of felony arrest rates reported everywhere, the rate at which competency tests are sort for has increased as well. This scholarly paper will present an overview of competency laws and look at the need to have experts carrying out competency tests for the judicial systems. In the English common law, it was allowed lawfully for the arraignment, judgment, or execution of a person (capital offender) to be delayed (stayed) if the offender was or became completely insane (Hale, 1736, cited in Silten & Tulis, 1977, p. 1053). The law that is applied in the U.S was established during the case of Dusky v. United States in 1960. In the case of Dusky vs. the United States (1960), the Supreme Court ruled that it is not enough for the district judge to find that the defendant is oriented to time and place and has some recollection of events, but that the test must be whether he has sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational understanding -- and whether he has a rational as well as factual understanding of the proceedings against him.†(Steadman & Hartstone, 1983 p.402). The problem that is found in assessing and defining competency has led to a great number of interpretations of the Dusky case. Because the courts and legislatures have placed, the weight of doing this on mental health professional it is not a surprise that mental status issues have been played a major role in court proceedings. Research has shown that the presence of psychosis is not enough by itself to determine competency (Roesch & Golding, 1980). The background on competence has been extensively researched with some researchers and scholars arguing that competence has to be considered within the circumstance that it is to be used. This has been written extensively in a journal written by Golding and Roesch in 1988 where they write. â€Å"Mere presence of severe disturbance (a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What was the Multi-Fibre Agreement China and the Multi-Fibre Agreement Essay

What was the Multi-Fibre Agreement China and the Multi-Fibre Agreement - Essay Example In 1962, a Long Term Agreement (LTA) regarding international trade in cotton textiles was signed. It replaced the one-year Short Term Agreement that existed at the time. LTA underwent several renewals and was subsequently replaced by the Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA) in 1974, which was expanded to cover exports of synthetic fibres and woolen products, besides cotton. MFA came into force to allocate export quotas to the low cost developing countries, limiting the amount of imports to countries whose domestic industries were facing serious challenge from rapidly increasing imports. It sought to expand trade, reduce barriers to trade and progressively liberalise world trade. The MFA regime existed for 25 years, until 1994 when the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations resulted in the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). The ATC sought to phase out all quota restrictions in four phases spread over a period of 10 years. The first three partial phase-outs were in January 1995, January 1998 and January 2002. The final one is due on January 01, 2005. This came into force along with the WTO framework for multilateral trade in 1995: stipulated that the quota system for textile exports and imports under the Multi-Fibres Agreement (MFA) was finally phased out on January 1, 2005. More specifically, in terms of the agreement, the transition period, which began in 1995, would be operative for ten years and, by the end of that time, all textiles and apparel articles will have to be brought under the GATT discipline, subject to the same rules, as are the products of other sectors. China and the Multi-Fibre Agreement: - China was a participant country of the MFA, the implications of the end of the MFA regime on world trade generally in textiles and apparel, also the projected impact on the Chinese textile and apparel industry. To set the perspective, the MFA was negotiated under GATT 1947 and was functional from 1974 to 1994. In the eyes of the USITC, the agreement was intended to deal with domestic market disruption in importing countries: that is, developed economies - while allowing the exporting, or developing, nations to expand their textile and apparel trade as much as possible. This was achieved by the MFA through the instrument of negotiating bilateral agreements on export quotas. Cotton fibre is considered as an agricultural product and therefore covered by the WTO agreement on agriculture. All other cotton-based products, such as yarn, weaves and other textile products were subject, until January 2005 to the Multi-fibres Agreement. That agreement which came into force in 1974 was intended to protect the textile industries of developed countries from the growing exports of developing countries by way of a system of quotas. The European Union's Cotton Textile Policy: - The EU cotton regime was put in place in 1981 when Greece joined the European Economic Community. The accession of Spain and Portugal in 1986 enlarged the number of countries covered by the WTO agreement on cotton. Aid was paid to cotton ginners on condition that cotton producers benefited from a minimum price per tone of cottonseeds. This system made it possible to protect producers from variations in world prices while enabling companies to sell cotton fiber at the international price. The aid per tone of cottonseeds was equal to the difference between the guide price (fixed every year) and the world market price. The payment of aid was limited to a maximum guaranteed quantity (MGQ) set annually. From 1987, a guide price cut-off system was introduced to protect growers from the risk of very big falls in the minimum price. The original cut-off was 15% but

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Research paper comparison between Belize and United States

Comparison between Belize and United States - Research Paper Example That fact explains why the Spanish tongue is spoken by the native people. Interestingly though, it is the only Central American country that has English as its official language. (Belize. Wikipedia. [internet]) The relations between Belize and the United States are more on mutual cooperation covering domestic problems such as crime and police concerns. At one point, a child molester was arrested in Belize after his picture was shown in the Oprah Winfrey show. (ACCUSED CHILD PREDATORS CAUGHT. Thanks to "Oprah" Television Viewers. October 19, 2005. Headline Archives. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. [internet].). There are not much about high level talks between the two although it is quite known that both countries are cordially close with each other. Belize citizens who have migrated to the United States are now relatively big in number, about seventy thousand. On the trade and commerce front, the United States is the most important business partner of Belize. Aside from that, there are a lot of fund investments coming from the Americans which are placed in Belize. Superficially, there appears no other significant factor or reason for a serious bonding between the two countries. Going deeper, however, will come up with something that may possibly suggest for a more coordinated and more synchronized inter-relation and inter-action between these governments. The areas that need to focus on are drugs and terrorism which may seem petty in the Belize home base but which can blow up in unmanageable proportions at some unexpected time. These worries are becoming hot issues. In one account, organized crimes executions and drug trafficking have been rising in trends. (Belize Murder Rate Skyrockets. Drugs, Gangs And Organized Crime. February 17, 2008. CruiseBruise. [internet]). In several cases, the use of cruise ship connections is evident, the latter being explained by the attractive tourism industry of Belize. The drug menace is clearly becoming a growing

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Services marketing and relationship marketing Essay

Services marketing and relationship marketing - Essay Example The process of addressing customer concerns on every call is considered the front-stage activity. Every customer interaction is a â€Å"moment of truth.† (Teboul, 2007, p.19) The back-stage is where the company works on how to provide the services promised on the front-stage interactions. Both the front-stage and back-stage components are essential in providing services to the customers (Blumberg, 2003, p.23). Every successful service provision is composed of interaction and material transformation (Cook, 2011, 34). Both are significant, but very distinct (See Figure 1). Knowledge of the distinction is necessary because overseeing a direct interaction with customer in the front-stage is very different from managing the material transformation in the back-stage. The end result of successful front-stage and back-stage operations is customer satisfaction (Blumberg, 2003, p.27 and Cook, 2011, 35). Figure 1 Front-Stage and Back-Stage Distinction SERVICES AND RELATIONSHIP MARKETING 3 It is noticeable that the arrows in the flow chart go both ways. This is because every aspect of service delivery consists both of the front-stage and back-stage processes, and although not interchangeably, very much connected to each other (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.407). Gathering of Services Request Information – This involves a direct customer interaction of the company representative, either through phone, mails, or face-to-face communication (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, p.68). A fitting scenario could be, a customer calls in and talks to the service representative. The customer inquires about services provided by the company, and decides whether the services suit his/her needs and budget. The representative provides information that is based on the set procedures by the company. These procedures are also based on the ability of the company to process the promised services. This is the reason why the arrows here go in both directions (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.4011). Processing of Promised Services – This is where the processing of requested services takes place. Representatives from the operations department, where the actual customer interaction takes place, pass the requests to a certain department where the planning for material transformation of the promised service occurs. Activities may range from paper works to on-field delivery or services. No services will be processed in the back-stage without requests from the front-stage (Wa?gar, 2007, p.641), which is another reason why the arrows here go in both directions. Information-intensive interaction – This involves the actual interaction again with customers. When a customer calls in and contacts the customer service department (front-stage), they usually ask for information on possible services they could obtain. The representative’s responsibility is to provide adequate information and choices to the customer. They should sound knowledgeable and expert in the service informati on they offer (Glushko & Tabas, 2009, p.416-7). Confidence building in customers usually start at this stage (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, p.68). The decision on whether the customer will acquire the services offered by the company usually depends on how well the interaction took place. It is the duty of these

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sarcophagus Relief Depicting Labors of Hercules Essay

Sarcophagus Relief Depicting Labors of Hercules - Essay Example Thesis statement: In the sculpture Sarcophagus Relief Depicting Labors of Hercules, the unknown artist portrays the deep relationship between Roman mythology and the growth and development of Roman sculpture during 3rd–4th century A.D. Background As pointed out, the artist behind the sculpture Sarcophagus Relief Depicting Labors of Hercules (see Appendix-1), is still unknown. But this ambiguity related to the sculpture does not reduce its scope within the scenario or art because it represents the Roman society during 3rd-4th century A.D. The sarcophagus relief sheds light into the social setting in Rome during 3rd–4th century A.D. Generally, sarcophagus relief works are used to decorate the tombs of the elite class in the society. One can see that the myth of Hercules or Heracles was popular among the people in ancient Roman Empire. So, this sculpture can be considered as a visual example for the usage of mythical characters in sculpture. This sculpture is preserved and displayed at the Honolulu Academy of Arts, which is in Hawaii. Besides, this sculpture was contributed by Anna Rice Cooke (say, the founder of the Academy of Arts/museum). So, one can see that the sculpture’s background is interconnected with the Roman society, mythology and culture. Source The unknown artist made use of the Greco-Roman myth of Hercules. To be specific, the theme of this sculpture is interconnected with the labors of Hercules. In the Greco-Roman mythology, Hercules is portrayed as a mythical figure, powerful enough to complete impossible labors. One can see that Hercules’s deeds were popular among the Romans and the artists began to make use of the same as their theme. The popularity of Hercules’s labors represents the Roman interest in hero worship and this is cunningly portrayed in the sculpture. In the sculpture, the artist portrays two of the deeds fulfilled by Hercules. For instance, the first figure in the sculpture is symbolic of Hercule s’s fight with hydra (say, a multi-headed creature). â€Å"Hercules had to kill the many-headed hydra (HYE-druh) for his second task†.1 The second figure in the sculpture is symbolic of Hercules’s battle with the Erymanthian Boar (say, a giant creature). From a different angle of view, the position of Hercules in the sculpture is symbolic of hard labor. Besides, the seriousness that can be seen in the face of Hercules is symbolic of heroism and hard labor. Origin As pointed out, origin of the work Sarcophagus Relief Depicting Labors of Hercules is related to Roman culture and its relation with mythology and hero worship. One can see that the sculpture represents the Roman interest in the immortality of art. Besides, the usage of marble as the medium of sculpture proves the development of sculpture works during 3rd-4th century A.D. On the other side, one cannot neglect the fact that the decline of Roman Empire reduced the further development of Roman art and arch itecture. Still, some of the sculptures during 3rd-4th century A.D. are preserved in different museums. So, this sculpture is historically important because it represents the rich heritage of Roman culture. Besides, this sculpture was contributed to the Honolulu Academy of Arts, by Anna Rice Cooke (say, in the year 1932). The authorities at the Honolulu Academy of Arts show utmost interest to preserve and restore this sculpture. In addition, ArtafterDark (say, a volunteer group) at the Honolulu A

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social Networking Sites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Social Networking Sites - Essay Example Carrying out marketing campaigns using social networking sites generally entails the following: planning – building an SMM plan is vital. The business needs to take into consideration keyword research and brainstorm content ideas which would interest the ideal customers. Content – consistent with other e-marketing areas, content is essential when it comes to SMM. The business should ensure that it offers valuable information that the target audience would find interesting. The business should make a variety of content by implementing infographics, videos as well as images besides content that is text-based (Evans 2013, p. 22). Blog – it is noteworthy that blogging is an imperative SMM tool which allow the business to share various content and information with the readers. Using blogs, the business can also blog about its recent social media events, contests and efforts. Tracking business rivals – it is generally essential to keep an eye on the competition as they could offer valuable SMM insight such as where to get links that are industry-related. They can also provide important data for keyword research. If the business rivals are utilizing a particular SMM technique that appears to be working for them effectively, the business can also do the same thing, but do it much better (Qing 2012, p. 38). Consistent Brand Image – the use of social networking sites for marketing purposes allows the firm to project its brand image across several dissimilar platforms of social media. Whist every platform has its own distinctive voice and environment, the core identity of the business should remain consistent. Links – whilst employing social networking sites for the purposes of marketing depends mainly on the business sharing its own original and distinctive... According to this paper social networking sites are good in supporting business. The various platforms of social media such as Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Facebook allow the enterprise to promote its products to its followers, and in so doing increase sales volume. Additionally, by engaging and interacting with customers, these social networking sites are also employed by businesses to improve customer care by responding to the clients’ questions and addressing their concerns. Nonetheless, there are a number of potential threats of using these sites for business. These threats include: acting as a platform where people with ill-intentions can generate spiteful negative comments which may hurt the reputation of the business; human error resulting in leaked corporate data; staff members of the business could make inappropriate comments on the social media account of the business; and malware attacks from external sources. However, these threats could be av oided by ensuring that the staff members are educated regarding security threats, and carrying out a wide-ranging data and access control strategy. The paper shows that in general, the best technique for preventing the potential threats that come about as a result of a business using social networking sites is to ensure that the staff members are educated regarding security threats that are associated with social networking websites. The enterprise can also carry out a wide-ranging data and access control strategy so as to prevent loss of data.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Jail and Prison Essay Example for Free

Jail and Prison Essay Many people in the United States do not know that there are differences between jail and prison and what they are. Local jurisdictions, such as counties and cities, use jails to detain offenders for short periods of time. A prison, or penitentiary, is controlled by the state, and is used to detain convicted criminals for longer duration (Schmallenger, 2011). A jail is designed for short term offenders, and has more amenities than a prison. Jails house individuals who have been convicted to serve a short sentence, usually one year or less, detain individuals awaiting trial, waiting to pay bail or denied bail, and detainees held on suspicion of committing a crime. Most jails are designed to hold a very small number of criminals, and have low security when compared to prisons. As an example, the Durango Jail in Phoenix, Arizona, houses approximately 2,214 inmates. They provide a general-purpose day room area with seating areas, and a bathroom area with sinks, toilets, and showers, and have two large outside areas for recreation. The jail also includes a medical clinic, chapel and education classrooms where inmates can attend scheduled religious and educational programs throughout the day (Mcso, 2013). Jails play an important role in the criminal justice system, and without them, there would not be a place to hold these short term inmates and offenders. A prison is much larger than a jail, and capable of handling far more prisoners. The prisoners are typically categorized and separated on the basis of the types of crimes that they have been convicted of as a safety precaution, and there are three types of prisons: minimum security, medium security, and maximum security. Minimum security inmates often have private rooms and have the ability to walk around more freely, as well as commissary visits to purchase candy and tobacco. Medium security prisons are more dorm-like and have walled recreation areas. Maximum security prisons have more barriers, towers, armed guards, and inmates have far less free time and open areas. According to Arizona Department of Corrections (2013), the Tucson Prison Complex in Tucson, Arizona, currently has a total population of approximately 3,700 inmates and a capacity to hold up to 5,170 inmates. Amenities include exercise areas, common areas for eating and socializing in lower security areas, church facilities, and an educational facility (Schmallenger, 2011). Because of the long duration of most prison sentences, a complex social, and political structure arises among the prisoners. Prisoners form cliques and strive to create their dominance inside the fences and walls. Prison culture and subculture affect the daily lives of inmates from the moment they step foot in to a prison. Inmates are defined by their position, or hierarchy, and are fueled by having power over others and their reputation is at stake. Bartering items such as tobacco, food, drugs and makeshift weapons is a way of gaining power, as well as using sexual force and dominance (Schmallenger, 2011). Groups are formed, gangs are created and multiplied, and are often based on race, ethnicity, religion and who you were involved with outside of the prison gates. Due to these subcultures, violent crimes occur, the STD rate increases and the prison medical costs increase. Placing offenders on probation or parole may effect the statistics, but not by much, as occurrences and violence are always ongoing. Probation, an alternative form of sentencing, allows convicted offenders to avoid jail time. They are released back into the community, but must follow a strict set of rules. Rules can include curfew, maintaining a job, and checking in with a probation officer regularly. Probation is a beneficial tool for the community, as it allows offenders to become positive role models in society by participating in community service as well as saving tax payer dollars on potentially unnecessary prison costs. Parole is governed by the executive branch and is the conditional release of a convict who has served part of his term in prison (University of Phoenix, 2011). The primary purpose is to return offenders gradually to productive lives and are usually granted by a parole board to a prisoner with a good record and good conduct while in prison. Sentencing offenders to probation or releasing individuals on parole can free up thousands of dollars annually, as it can cost anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000 per year to house an inmate (CNN Money, 2013). There are also a few other alternatives to probation and parole that are also beneficial, such as drug treatment facilities, house  arrest and electronic monitoring, halfway houses, boot camp prisons, and work-release programs. Jails and prisons, as a part of the criminal justice system, play an important role in society. By deterring crime, securing criminals, and attempting to rehabilitate those who have broken the law, they not only educate society, but make an example of those who successfully have completed sentencing and rehabilitation and have made themselves flourishing products of society. References MCSO. (2013). Retrieved from Schmallenger, F. (2011). Criminal Justice Today. An Introductory Text for the 21st Century (11th ed.). : Prentice Hall. University of Phoenix. (2011). CJi Interactive. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA204 website. Arizona Department of Corrections. (2013). Retrieved from CNN Money. (2013). Retrieved from

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Growth Of New Media

The Growth Of New Media News has seen many changes over the years newspaper to radio, radio to TV and now TV to web 2.0, an ever-changing and vast, floor for interactive news, views and content. No one can argue journalism, when practiced well, is of public value in a free and democratic society, it provides, entertainment, information and acts as a whistleblower on inequality and corruption within our countries and states. However, the field of journalism is currently under scrutiny, Hillel Nossek comments: It seems that the great threat facing journalism is de-professionalization, which means that everyone can be a journalist and nobody actually is one. (Nossek, 2009:358) In this essay I will try to weigh up the positive and negative impacts of news recent evolution to the internet. I will focus on the new ethics involved in such things as citizen journalism, the resulting Churnalism that has resulted from the speed and resourcefulness of web 2.0 ; weighing up the positive and negative impacts on journal ists and journalism as a whole. I The first point I would like to raise focuses on the idea of Citizen journalism and a paper written by Dr. Damien Tambini titled, Media Ethics in the New Media Landscape. The paper comments on a current debate revolving around the question: How is the rise of new media and online journalism affecting the traditional journalistic standards of objectivity, accuracy and verification? (Tambini 2010:1). In answer, he focuses around the ethics of so-called citizen journalism, and how this reflects upon the ethics, the rights and the privileges of professional journalists. Citizen journalism is a term used to describe bloggers and tweeters who, using investigative journalism mainly based on online research and second hand sources, break stories and news, using the internet. This is a change from the traditional, professional ethics to mixed media ethics. The stories these citizen journalists produce being from second hand sources are widely disregarded as inaccurate and therefore soil the reputation of the field of journalism, and its ethics. In an interview conducted in Changing Journalism the editor of a regional paper said: It irritates the hell out of me. Its not news. Its people wanting their five minutes of fame and its not accurate because they havent spoken to anybody (interview with Editor of a regional newspaper by Peter Lee-Wright 2008: 33). In response Bloggers argue that new media are developing their own ethical systems based on distributed intelligence and the wisdom of crowds. (Tambini, 2010:1) In a sense this point of view could argue citizen journalism could have a positive impact, as Rebillar and Taboul comment: views of the web 2.0 associate liberty, autonomy and horizontality (Rebillar and Taboul 2010:325) and I think this raises a good point how can you argue against more democracy, accuracy and equality? The Tambini paper also raises questions asking Are the newcomers also sharing the responsibilities? Are they obeying the rules, and sharing the costs of implementing them? (Tambini 2010: 4) He then points out citizen journalists are now getting access to protection of sources, freedom of expression and public interest defences. These were previously considered exclusive Lobby passes for Journalists. Because of the loss of the exclusivity in journalists rights and privileges, it puts into question the whole profession of journalism and what it means to be a journalist and I refer back to the Nossek comment in my intro, that in theory anybody can be a journalist. This would argue a strong case for the de-professionalization of journalists and would infer that changes in social and economical changes to the field are affecting the occupation of professional journalists, but not the ethics of the field itself. Even so, Nick Couldry did a survey in 2010 finds little evidence for what he calls writer-gatherers muscling in on professional space. On the other hand, Tambini expresses this still worries journalists, simply because journalists seem to say the citizen journalists constantly flout the ethical rules in place, in the race to the bottom. The lack of communication with original sources and huge inaccuracies are bound to come about within this tussle for speed, and this would have a negative effect on the ethics of reporting of news online. Journalists also argue that this is in turn putting more pressure on journalists to rush stories and take less care in sourcing stories and policing conflicts of interest, (Tambini, 2010: 1) creating what author Nick Davies describes as Churnalism. II This Churnalism is the concept the second part of my essay will focus on. Churnalism is a word invented by Nick Davies. In his book Flat Earth News. It describes a hugely negative impact of new media, journalistic practices. Davies explains: Journalists are pumping out stories without checking them stories which then circle the planet. And so now, in a way that was not true in the past, mass media are not merely prone to occasional error but constitutionally and constantly vulnerable to being infected with falsehood, distortion and propaganda (Davies, 2009: 51). He explains the introduction of the internet has led to information being sent around the globe at unprecedented levels. Shown in incidents such as The millennium bug where he explains The ethic of honesty has been overwhelmed by the mass production of ignorance. (Davies 2009: 28) The result is a decline in journalistic quality due to the way news rooms have become News factories, pumping out stories not properly sourced, checked and constantly recycled. He describes a young reporter writing in the British Journalism review in 2004 explaining: Of all the impressions I had of the professionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ relying on telephone interviews and the internet for so much written work was not one of them (Davies 2009: 55). Reliance on the internet as a saver of time and money Davies argues is a big contributor to Churnalism. However, evidence has been found of other people within the field, in particular editors, who have taken a more nuanced view to new media: I wade through the rubbish eve ry day, but then I think that some of the most exciting stuff I read is online and through blogs and all of that. So I would want journalists to get excited about it rather than being defensive about it (Interview with a Section editor, national newspaper by Peter Lee-Wright 2008:33). These conflicting views have sparked much debate within news rooms. Even though the question still stands to the effect of new media within the newsroom, Davies extensive research into Churnalism has found its effects to be quite devastating, in regards to wider journalism. As part of his research into Churnalism Davies also investigated news stories running in four of the most prestigious daily newspapers: The Times The Guardian The Independent and The daily Telegraph. He commissioned a group of specialist researchers who, tracked over 2,207 incoming news stories and where possible tracked backwards to find their source material. They found quite astounding results. 60% of these stories came direct from wire copy and/or PR material, with another 12% simply containing elements of the same, 8% source material they were unsure about and only 12% of stories was sourced by the journalists themselves. They also found that a staggering 70% of them passed to print without any corroboration at all (Davies 2009: 52). This is clear proof of Davies Churnalism and the implications of this show an image of news as a pawn of PR scams instead of a voice on behalf of the people and democracy. Clearly, this depicts a rather appalling prospect for journalisms future. Flat Earth News also raises the issue the internet has created a growing demand for immediacy and the negative effects this has had on new media. He refers to Pete Clifton ex-head of the BBCs News interactive who was quoted saying: Our site came on top with a load time of 0.85 secs to beat the likes of ITV and Sky (1.63 secs). (Davies, 2009: 70) Davies goes on to expand on this clash of traditional journalism and the new high speed Churnalism, using the example of the official BBC guide which is given to all staff on News interactive. Which on one hand urges: Your story must be accurate, impartial, balanced and uphold the values of BBC newsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Never publish anything that you do not understand, that is speculation or inadequately sourced and then in complete contradiction: Get the story up as fast as you canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ We encourage a sense of urgency we want to be first (Davies 2009: 70) It then gives a five minute target for breaking news. This is clearly an impossib le task for any journalist. Time constraints have also been made harder by declining staff and lack of ground-up resources, which are rampant throughout the newsrooms. This is due partly to the free cost of internet news and internets ability to put fewer limitations on what a single journalist can do. Contradictions such as this create huge difficulties between the mediums of traditional journalism and new media ethics. III Even So, many can see the positive impacts of new media practices such as fast breaking news. In this part of the essay I will try to explain the positive impacts the web has had on journalism. Firstly, Anna Mainwaring is a producer in the BBC News UGC (User generated content) hub who describes it as a revolution in News gathering. In an interview conducted in Changing Journalism Mainwaring commented: Instead of teams going out to get stories, stories are coming to us, on a story the year before about a number of young males being stabbed in London she says: In the old days, we would have sent a team of hacks to doorstep, knock on doorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Now we sit in the newsroom and the girlfriend has already contacted the BBC message board. Weve got her e-mail. A journalist phones and interviews her and shes on air in minutesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The speed is phenomenal (Anna Mainwaring, interview conducted by Peter Lee-Wright 2009: 34) This is a great example of how the speed and the vast networking capabilities of the internet have increased speed output and accuracy of stories, two very important principles for traditional journalism. Also, there is a theory that even the publics supposedly damaging, inaccurate, publish first-correct later (Tambini 2010) attitude, could have a positive impact revolving around the idea of networked journalism. A new concept Charlie Beckett argues is fundamental to new medias compatibility with modern journalism. He argues that To retain value journalism must engage with the public. It must shift power from the newsroom to the connected online and digital world. It must become networked. (Beckett, 2008) This theory depicts, that the rise of the internet could see a of return of Habermas public sphere, whereby the users can immediately pick up on inaccuracies in stories and report them back and discuss, through active reception and living response (Williams, 1983: 304). This could have a very strong positive outcome for the ethics of journalism, democracy and national and international development. It also takes power away from big international news agencies and who are more recentl y regarded as biased and greedy monopolies of news output. The introduction of internet technology has also increased dissemination, as stories can reach huge audiences across the globe at no extra cost. This is good news for the newspaper companies and journalists alike as Jeff Jarvis argues in his book What Would Google Do?: Google allows people to find stories that, in the old days they wouldnt have seen. (J. Jarvis 2009: 124) this has proved true in the coverage of a number of significant events the so-called Green revolution on the streets of Tehrans streets after the 2009 presidential election and the 2007 monks saffron rebellion in Burma. This is a positive outcome of modern media ethics and is an important development to keep in mind in terms of the future of new media ethics. Increases in other technologies such as camera phones and digital cameras are also increasing user generated content and journalists possibilities for capturing news. The subtlety of camera phones and the decreased size in reporting equipment and a visible crew, with up to twenty large silver boxes of equipment, has given journalists and their producers increased flexibility. A good example is in the Zimbabwe 2008 elections whereby all journalists were banned from reporting within the country. As Robin Elias managing editor of ITN says in N.Fentons New Media, old news: We actually presented an evening new programme from the centre of Harare, during the crackdown, during the election, when we werent allowed in there let alone to broadcast out of it and we broadcast over a garden wall over a BGAN mobile phone, a satellite phone and it sort of dawned on everybodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ that theres virtually nowhere in the world thats inaccessible now (Robin Elias, interview conducted by Peter L ee-Wright, 2010: 72). Other examples include the tidal disaster in Japan in 2011 where the internet was swamped with a multitude of videos of the disaster. The combination of modern technologies such as email, mobile phones, digital cameras and easily accessible editing software coupled with sites like Youtube, Twitter and other blog sites; add to more variety and a much more diverse media landscape, changing the way we now absorb our news. It also reinforces this idea that many networked contributions towards coverage of breaking news is hugely beneficial to new media ethics. In conclusion: In May 2011 the number of internet users worldwide reached over 2billion ( The Guardians online readership now exceeds 30million compared to only 300,000 print readers. The undeniable pressures of the web have put journalisms and more importantly journalists position, into very turbulent disrepute. The editors have had to adapt in a time when news is free and news can be taken from other organisations without paying for it. The pressure has, in turn landed on the journalists, expecting them to use newer technologies to churn out more content with less time. The digital revolution has also given ordinary citizens the tools to contribute UGC and interact with journalists and stories. A strong negative impact of the web is that Smaller to medium sized print firms are either dying or have died as a result of the rise of the internet, as adaptation has become increasingly difficult. This is due to advertisement becoming the main source of income for all news outlet s and advertisers at the same time that advertising firms are sweeping onto the next big website to catch its much larger readership. Also other technological advances such as the kindle and Guardian Apps on smart phones are leaving newspapers business models in constant limbo. It seems to me that the future of online journalism is unclear and we can only sit back and put any positive or negative implications into context. The positive implications of the web, if properly channelled, are an exciting prospect in favour of democracy and challenging dominant forces. It does however have seem to have had a rather negative impact on professional journalists themselves, whos roles are now challenged from many, many angles.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Toll like receptors and their therapeutic potential Essay -- essays re

Cellular Basis Of Disease: Why has the discovery of Toll-like receptors revolutionised our understanding of how the innate immune system works, and what is the therapeutic potential? The body has two immune systems: the innate immune system and the adaptive immune system. Adaptive, or acquired, immunity refers to antigen-specific defence mechanisms that take several days to become protective and are designed to react with and remove a specific antigen. This is immunity develops throughout life. Innate immunity refers to antigen-nonspecific defence mechanisms that a host uses immediately or within several hours after exposure to an antigen. This is the immunity that you are born with, and is the initial response by the body to eliminate microbes and prevent infection. It is in the innate immune system that Toll-like receptors are important in helping our understanding. The most important role of the innate immune system is to react rapidly to infectious agents with the initiation an inflammatory response, and to shape the subsequent adaptive immune responses. There are currently two different models for immune system induction. The first model predicts the recognition of non-self determinants on pathogens, and the other, more controvertial, model predicts that there is recognition of damage or danger to self-tissues. In the first model, pathogens are recognised by either specific or general components of their structure. A system referring to the patterns that are recognised are the pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and the receptors recognising them are pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The second model, put forward by Matzinger, is that it is the danger itself that is sensed. It is argued that it is tissue damage or cellular debris from necrotic cells that sends the signal for the immune system to initiate a response. The presence of DNA or RNA, that shouldn't be outside of the cell, may cause an alarm signal. Heat shock proteins released from the cell, or mannose that is normally cleaved off, may also serve as an alarm signal. It is suggested that the PRRs are there to recognise these endogenous signals from ruptured cells, and not to recognise pathogens as proposed in the first model. It is the first model that is most widely accepted in the scientific community, and it is this model of events that I shall describe. Activation of the ... ...77(9):7059-65 9. Horng T. et al., 2002. The adaptor molecule TIRAP provides signalling specificity for Toll-like receptors. Nature. 420(6913):329-33 Takatsuna H., et al. 2003. Identification of TIFA as an adapter protein that links TRAF6 to IRAK-1 in IL-1 receptor signaling. J Biol Chem. 2003 Yang L, Blumbergs PC, Jones NR, Manavis J, Sarvestani GT and Ghabriel MN (2004). Early expression and cellular localization of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in human traumatic spinal cord injury. Spine. 29: 966-71 Therapeutic targeting of Toll-like receptors for inflammatory and infectious diseases. O'Neill LA. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2002 Oct;1(10):797-807 Role of toll-like receptors and their adaptors in adjuvant immunotherapy for cancer. Seya T, Akazawa T, Uehori J, Matsumoto M, Azuma I, Toyoshima K. Anticancer Res. 2003 Nov-Dec;23(6a):4369-76 Toll-like receptor signaling in anti-cancer immunity. Okamoto M, Sato M. J Med Invest. 2003 Feb;50(1-2):9-24 H. Hemmi, et al., "A toll-like receptor recognizes bacterial DNA," Nature, 408(6813):740-5, 7 December 2000. bst/031/0637/bst0310637.htm

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Lamb to the Slaughter And The Speckled Band :: English Literature

Compare and Contrast Lamb to the Slaughter And The Speckled Band As Murder Mysteries When many people think of a murder mystery, they think of a dark and stormy night, a large forbidding house, a gunshot heard by everyone yet seen by no one, and the phrases "you're probably wondering why I called you all here", "The butler did it", and of course not forgetting "elementary, my dear Watson". In the end, the intelligent and very observant detective solves the case, and justice, sometimes through the courts and sometimes poetic is served. 'Lamb to the Slaughter' and 'The Speckled Band' are both stories based around a suspicious death. Roald Dahl wrote 'Lamb to the Slaughter' in 1954. Roald Dahl is famous for writing children's stories, like George's Marvellous Medicine and James and the Giant Peach. Roald Dalh also writes stories for adults. They are usually about ordinary people doing strange things. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 'The Speckled Band' in 1892. His stories are about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Before readings this story I knew that Sherlock Holmes was a famous detective working with fellow college Doctor Watson and Scotland Yard. Because of the times when they were written, the language is different also. Conan Doyle uses the Victorian style of language. His writing is more complex. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's language is more descriptive. It takes him about half a page just to describe the setting of the story. Conan Doyle sometimes uses phrases, which can now be quite tricky to understand such as 'knock you up'. This is archaic language, which is not regularly used nowadays. Roald Dahl uses short but sharp sentences, and writes as if he is talking to a friend. The two stories are both classed as murder mysteries, however when comparing these two stories the styles of writing and the way in which the stories are presented is completely different. An example of this would be the chronological order of each of the stories. What I mean by this is the traditional order of murder mysteries would be body, a motive, a weapon, a death, a suspect, an alibi and detectives. Both 'Lamb to the Slaughter' and 'The Speckled Band' have all of these and so are no exception to these 'guidelines'. However, 'The Speckled Band' follows this order and is a very traditional murder mystery. 'Lamb to the Slaughter' on the other hand does not follow the conventional style of murder mysteries and follows its own order. This order is; a motive, a weapon, a death, a killer, an alibi and detectives. In changing the traditional order of murder mysteries I

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

International Migration

Around 70 million people migrate between countries each year. This type of migration is less common than internal migration such as rural to urban migration. There are two reasons why international migration is less common. Firstly the longer distance involved and political controls make it difficult for migrants to move freely between countries. The border between the USA and Mexico is more than an international frontier. It is a boundary where the rich are divided from the poor, Because of the economic contrast that exists on the other side of the border people are constantly attracted to the bright lights and big money that the USA holds. At least 1 million Mexicans try to cross the border every year most of them illegally although the USA has an elaborate security controls along the border, it is impossible to stop everyone. Those illegal immigrants who are caught are deported back to Mexico. Increasingly Mexican immigrants are unwelcome in the USA as they are seen to drain the nations social security and welfare system. In some places the scale of emigration is so high that population levels have fallen steeply. Santa Ines in NorthWest Mexico has lost two thirds of its population. But people leaving the village were not exactly poor. They left the country not out desperation but mainly to improve their quality of life. At one time only the men migrated and when they made enough money they would return home and share the wealth with their family. It is mainly young adults who migrate and so they leave ageing communities behind. With few children left, these communities will gradually die. Immigrants have a deep impact on America. There is an ideal of America as a destination of hope and opportunity where the poor and the oppressed can make a new life but they bring with them a trail of tension between natives and newcomers, hostility expressed in job discrimination and riots, and laws designed to keep immigrants out rather than welcome them in. These newcomers were the people who built America. They dug canals, cut the timber and laid down the foundations for the megacity. The greatest flow of immigrants took place between 1820-1920 when more than 30 million people poured into the USA. Around 8 million come from Mexico which created a mass overload on the country. One impact of the great diversity of people who have immigrated to the United States is frequent racial and cultural tensions. Clashes have forced America to confront the difficulties of accommodating such differences while remaining a democracy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Game Console Industry

The game console industry is unpredictable, as the market leader changes as frequently as new games being released. Currently, the most prominent console manufacturers in the industry are Sony (PlayStation), Microsoft (Xbox), and Nintendo (Wii). While Sony and Microsoft focus on powerful machines and games targeted at older teens and young adults, Nintendo’s family friendly, less graphically polished consoles target an entirely different market, and is not applicable to the Sony/Microsoft battle. The adoption of consoles depends heavily on one factor: the content available.A console manufacturer needs to have third-party developer support in order to have a steady stream of quality video games being released throughout the year. Although brand loyalty, technical capabilities and price certainly plays a part on the purchase decision of an individual, consumers tend to buy the console that offers the games that the consumers enjoy the most. Sony and Microsoft both publish a cata logue of a unique line up of video games made in-house as well as receive royalties from third-party video game developers such as Electronic Arts and Activision (ATVI).Microsoft and Sony both use a loss leader strategy, pricing their consoles lower than the production cost; thus, increasing the market for higher margin sales of related software, licensing fees, accessories, and downloadable content. As such, both firms sacrifice console profit to attract customers to adopt their ecosystem. This pricing strategy for game consoles, coupled with each console’s respective launch dates, has immense effect on setting the competitiveness of the companies for years to come.Historically, higher initial pricing methods bottlenecked initial uptake on consoles, and is often followed by price cuts to encourage greater adoption. During the launch of Xbox 360 and PS3, the price disparity and subsequent price drops hugely altered consumer purchasing decisions. The lower initial price point for Xbox 360 resulted in a quick grab for market share, but Sony followed with price cuts; thus, resulting in a price war – one that was won by Sony in total number of sales, but also the most amount of losses.To most consumers, these consoles are mutually exclusive and purchase decision is mostly based on value for money. Timing of the launch is also crucial as many gamers aim to be first adopters for new consoles. Relationship with Gaming Suppliers and Consumers The winner’s curse exists due to the biased optimism of bidders and the unknown value of the object being bid on. This is especially true in the heated rivalry between Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The bid that these two giants are trying to win is the hearts of the console gaming community.However, both companies are unable to actually quantify how much the console gaming industry is worth as bidding takes place during the production phase, prior to sales. Generally video game players can be segmented into PC gamers, Console Gamers, or Casual Gamers. The PC gamers are currently being served by Gaming PC's, with the latest technology and the widest variety of customization regarding multimedia; this is essentially the enthusiasts market.The Casual Gamers are generally younger gamers who have less of a focus on the depth and graphical intensity of games. This demographic is currently being satisfied by Nintendo's Wii & DS or a normal home PC. Both the PS4 and the Xbox One can be categorized as serving the console gamers, for these gamers often demand high quality machines, certain elements of media integration, and high degree of innovation from new generation consoles. However, above all else, the quality of games and price of systems are the primary order winners for console gamers.The quality of games is generally determined based on the two factors of aesthetic and gameplay. The aesthetics of a game depends largely on the processing capabilities of the system while the gameplay comes f rom the creative minds of the game developers. Thus, for Sony and Microsoft to accurately predict the relative demand for their consoles, they need to evaluate the strength of both these key success factors. In the eighth generation of consoles, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have very similar processing power and graphics rendering capabilities.The similarity of the two devices mean that the order winner for a console gamer will not be based on the internal capabilities, rendering demand predictions using aesthetics of a game irrelevant. With regards to game play, this falls squarely on the shoulders of game developers and publishers. Both Sony and Microsoft have their in-house gaming development arm under subsidiaries. Microsoft's game developer, 343 industries are responsible for the blockbuster hit â€Å"Halo 4†, which has  already sold 4 million copies to date.On the Sony side their in-house developers, Naughty Dog has created the â€Å"Uncharted† franchise and has sold 5 million copies with its second instalment alone. From an exclusive content perspective, both companies all have clear winners and it is very difficult to predict which exclusive content will outsell the other. Aside from exclusive titles, there are also independent game developers such as Activision-Blizzard and Square Enix.These independent game developers are capable of influencing player behaviour by releasing exclusive content on specific systems. For example, Microsoft's partnership with Activision on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (COD MW3), ensures that specific content only gets released over the Xbox platform, thus incentivizing players to choose Xbox during the game’s release in November 2011. Microsoft's success with Call of Duty does not however spell doom for Sony, as Sony's partnership with developers like Square Enix’s Final Fantasy franchise creates enormous success as well.In the end, not only are most games playable across the two different plat forms, but even for the exclusive contents the two firms are essentially ensuring competitive exclusives are available on their respective consoles. Adding to this uncertainty is the fact that games are very much like animated blockbuster movies, while having a talented cast of game developers certainly lowers the risk of creating an unpopular game, it is not guaranteed to always be a hit. A perfect example of this is the game â€Å"Haze†, supported by Sony's PS3 and developed by the All-Star developer Free Radical Design.Prior to its release it was deemed to be the Halo (one of Xbox's most successful franchises) killer. However, once the game hit the shelves it was met with lukewarm reception and only 500K in sales, which resulted in the closure of Free Radical and a huge write-off for Sony. At the time of production for Xbox One and PS4, many games for the consoles have yet to be developed; therefore, making it almost impossible to foresee which franchise will continue to d o well and which will fail.One key order winner for console gamers is the quality of games, yet on this specific metric Microsoft and Sony are practically non-differentiable and it is nearly impossible to predict which console will fare better than the other. Subsequently, because of this ambiguity, it contributes to the notion that in this common value auction, the players do not know the actual market value of the item they are bidding on, and will likely overpay due to the uncertainty. The launch of PS4 and Xbox One As the launch of PS4 and Xbox One is extremely recent, there has been little market data to show who is winning out the competition.Because these consoles are the eighth generation of gaming platforms, observing current actions in comparison to past events can grant us a view into their individual competitive advantages and assess their strategy. The pricing strategy for Xbox One is to offer the console at a much higher premium. At $499USD, the Xbox is $100 more than the PS4, which is largely attributed to the Kinect 2 motion-sensing technology as part of the package. It is yet too early to tell how consumers will react to this huge price discrepancy, as the value added for the bundled technology creates an interesting value proposition.This pricing strategy is also noticeably opposite of what Microsoft has done in the past. In the previous generation of consoles, Microsoft sold each Xbox 360 at a loss of $126, while Sony saw $130 loss per PS3. Microsoft claims to be, at minimum, breaking even per unit of Xbox One to cover variable costs. While this discourages a price war like what has taken place in the pass through Sony and Microsoft’s use of loss leader strategy through their pricing, it is yet to be seen if consumers will be able to swallow the $100 difference. In contrast, Sony is selling the PS4 at an average loss of $60 per console, at a price of $399 per unit.Even with the addition of PS Eye, a similar accessory to the Kinect 2 t he $100 premium of Xbox One is still higher the PS4 cost with PS Eye. We can see that Sony chose to continue to pursue a loss-leading strategy, potentially overestimating the revenue that can be reaped from future sales. Sony is still operating with the optimistic idea that by incurring a high initial loss, they will be able to reap higher benefits in the future, continuing their vicious cycle of the Winner’s curse. Microsoft’s marketing expenditure for the Xbox One launch is expected to exceed $120 million USD.Assuming that Microsoft is breaking even per each console sold, that means it needs to sell at least 200K consoles just to see a return on marketing investment. Noting the fact that Xbox One’s controller itself cost over $100MM USD to develop, a small snippet of full R&D costs, the timeframe at which Xbox makes a positive net present value remains to be seen. Xbox 360 sold just over 79MM units over its time-span; with shifting consumer focus away from con soles to PC gaming, it is hard to predict just how profitable or unprofitable the One will be for Microsoft.The situation is just as devastating for Sony; with a unit contribution loss of $60, it would take a lot of cross-product sales to achieve a return on investment. Sony is just as heavily invested in terms of development and marketing costs compared to Microsoft. Even with the uncertainty of consumer adoption and market share capture rate, the two firms are going head-to-head in hopes of securing a return on their investment through capturing more of the pie. Beyond competing on price and marketing, Sony and Microsoft are competing for first adopters through launch dates.Historically, Sony entered the gaming console market first with the original PlayStation while Microsoft waited a whole generation before entering. PS2 dominated the sixth generation of gaming consoles while the original Xbox only gained about 1/8th of the pie. By launching 13 months ahead in in Europe, Microso ft effectively out competed Sony and was able to gain almost half of the market share. This neck to neck competition means the launch of the eighth generation of consoles will determine who truly wins out in the console world, as clearly both firms are much more concerned about getting their consoles into people’s homes at any cost.Interestingly, Microsoft decided to launch in the Eurozone ahead of Sony while the situation is reversed for the North American market. The two firms are essentially trying to steal shares from each other’s respective strongholds. There are many competitive strategies at play for this battle, but regardless of these actions, both firms are losing money. Microsoft has been making a net loss with the gaming division in the past decade, largely attributable to the winner’s curse and also price wars. There has been signals that Microsoft wants to shift away from this competition that has resulted in such heavy losses on both sides.With a pricing that supposedly creates a unit contribution of zero, Microsoft is no longer suffering from the Winner’s curse to win out the bid of each individual consumer’s wallet. Although it has yet to be seen whether this will be effective as consumers are price sensitive in this industry, Microsoft is also trying to change its value proposition and appeal more to the mass market. Microsoft’s marketing launch strategy focuses largely on pushing the entertainment hub aspect of the product, as opposed to solely the gaming aspect.Many of Microsoft’s marketing ads have been focused on the multimedia content and screen sharing technology of the console. This aims to shift Xbox’s value proposition away from Playstation’s game centric focus, and attempt to communicate to consumers the value for money. In contrast, Sony continues to align their image to fit the hard-core gaming segment alongside the pursuit of the loss-leading strategy. This image is n ot only reflected in marketing techniques, but also the technical specifications of the consoles.Even with the lower price of the PS4, Sony chose to integrate a more powerful console, in hopes that the ‘hardcore’ gamers will buy more games. The heavy initial spending on R&D and marketing is in essence a bid for greater market share. Contrary to the winner’s curse, in this competition between Sony and Microsoft there is no ‘winner’ as increased spending has not translated to greater profits. The pricing and technological attributes of the product is also a bid for each consumer’s purchasing dollar in which the winner makes either a loss or no profit for the console sold.These individual transactions amalgamate to result in the desire to gain a larger share of the pie through greater console sales which leads to heavy losses on both sides. Winner’s Curse Winner’s curse occurs in a common value auction due to incomplete information. In the case of Sony and Microsoft, the adoption rate of their respective consoles is the objective of the auction. Since the value of each customer is worth roughly the same to both Microsoft and Sony, they have equal incentives to win the bid and they are differentiated only by their individual valuations.Prior to the launch of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Microsoft and Sony independently evaluates the value of the market which historically has been inaccurate. At the end, the player that wins the auction and sells the most amount of consoles will often be the one that incurs the largest losses. This is perfectly exemplified in the seventh generation consoles of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, where PlayStation won the bid and outsold Xbox, but in doing so, it cost Sony's console gaming division $5B relative to Microsoft's loss of $3B. These corporations can justify such large losses as they have cash cows in other divisions.The fact that these losses are justifiable is due to both firms’ competitive orientation; if one pulls out of the market, the other would dominate and be profitable. This has been seen in Olympic broadcast rights bidding where stations are willing to lose just so competition won’t gain. The reason for such over-bidding comes down to optimism. Since the value of consumer adoption is nearly impossible to estimate, Sony and Microsoft are essentially guessing what their potential monetary success would. From this uncertainty, the ‘winner’ is simply the one that made the bigger and more optimistic mistake.In the last generation Sony won the auction by making aggressive price cuts following the launch of their console as well as investing heavily into marketing and development expenditures. This spending exceeds the actual value generated from sales of the console and games; thus, resulted in a large deficit of $5 billion dollars. Both firms have been extremely stubborn in their strategies, going head to head to ensur e the other firm does not win. As discussed previously, there has been signs that both firms are acknowledging this winner’s curse scenario, resulting in both aiming to focus on different segments of the consumer market.As this industry is relatively young and consumer interests are fickle and unpredictable, there has been uncertainty in the value of the market. The loss-leading strategy was extremely effective and profitable for Sony during the sixth generation of consoles, prompting Microsoft to enter into the industry. As such, now it is impossible for one to pull out as both realize the market potential when there are no direct competitors. Another strategy for Microsoft or Sony to adopt is to occupy another space and focus their appeal to specific consumers.Nintendo’s Wii was able to be extremely profitable and outsell both Xbox 360 and PS3 as it appealed to a wider demographic, stressing the value proposition of social gaming. The Xbox One is aiming to occupy a d ifferent space by becoming a multimedia hub rather than just a gaming console. However, the success of this is yet to be determined. Analysts suggest that the Xbox should be priced lower in order to compete against the PS4 and PS Eye bundle. However, looking back at this price war and continued winner’s curse, it may be a better strategy for Xbox to maintain its price position.Sony at this moment is more on the defensive where they are not able to raise their price without suffering backlash from consumers. As well, it may be prudent for Sony to wait and see Xbox’s transition away from hard-core gaming to see if they regain adoption rates from this demographic. The winner’s curse has plagued this segment of the gaming industry severely in the past decade with Xbox and PlayStation. As Microsoft tries to redefine its appeal and shift to a more middle segment of the market, this winner’s curse will start to be alleviated.This can only be realized if consumer s accept Xbox’s new position, otherwise the negative spiral continues. Ideally, a consumer will be educated in the differences between the two and purchase based on pragmatic reasons as opposed to perceived value. Xbox pricing their product at cost is a strong indication there is desired change to avoid the winner’s curse. Similarly Sony is losing less per unit of PS4 as well. With less incremental loss per unit, the firms will hopefully generate a profit in the long-run for their gaming divisions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Time to Kill (1996) Argumentative Paragraph

A Time to Kill (1996) Violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms In the movie A Time To Kill, many rights & freedoms were violated according to the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms. In this paragraph, three very big & important rights and/or freedoms will be discussed. The first is section 2 (Fundamental Freedoms), part c. The freedom of peaceful assembly was violated seven times in the movie; the most prominent is when the KKK formed outside the courthouse & demanded that Carl Lee be pronounced guilty or else they’re going to get violent, that is in direct violation of that freedom.Section 2, part d (freedom of association) was also violated as the KKK clearly violated that freedom by fundamentally being in existence because the purpose of their association is to hurt or kill anyone who lives in the United States of America and is not Caucasian and does not follow Christianity or Catholism. The second violation is Section 15 (Equality Rights) subsection 1. T his right provides equality before and under the law and equal protection and benefit of the law.Before & during the trial, Carl Lee was held in a segregated prison cell, which isn’t so bad but still racist, the next unfair treatment to Carl Lee was being put on trial in front of a bias and all white jury. When Carl Lee’s lawyer requested that the venue of the trial be changed due to the fact that the jury is all-white and bias, he hoped it be changed to a venue where the jury will be maybe fifty percent black.The judge, who is white, denied that request quite blatantly and anyways started the trial in Canton with a bias jury, which later on in the movie proved to extremely racist in their reasoning for Carl Lee being guilty. The third and last of many other rights & freedoms that have been violated in this movie is, section 13 (treatment or punishment). Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. This right has been vio lated and abused in so many ways.Chronologically, Carl Lee’s daughter was raped and brutalized by the two racist red necks, Carl Lee being in a fit of rage procures an automatic rifle with a high ammunition capacity and shot those two men in cold blood while unintentionally severely injuring an officer of the law. If those violations weren’t enough, the KKK clan tries to punish the white lawyer for representing a black man by almost burning down his house and intentionally abusing and intending to kill that same lawyer’s paralegal.The clan capped it off by trying to assassinate Carl Lee’s lawyer with a high-powered sniper rifle, but the assassin missed and killed an officer (state trooper/soldier) of the United States of America. The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms or any other similar constitution of rights and freedoms evidently was not implemented in the time present in the movie, but what is evident is that our society today has learned from tho se ethical & moral mistakes of the past and created policies, rights & freedoms to help prevent those mistakes from ever happening again.

Case Study †Mr Rakesh Sharma Essay

The case study given is about a fresh graduate, Mr. Rakesh Sharma joined Modern Industries Ltd. (MIL) in Bangalore as a trainee against a projected vacancy in the Paints Application Department for one-year training. Mr. Sharma has been performed very well. The Department Manager and the Training Manager were satisfied with his performance in the first two quarters. However, when stepping in to the third quarter, Mr. Sharma raised an issue about curtailing his training period. The request has not be entertained and Mr. Sharma’s behavior started to change and became unacceptable. Counseling session and warning letter have been issued to him and the situation did not turn good. One of the primary objectives of the Training Department is to recruit who have good potential and train them to be effective persons in different department. The Training Manager clearly known that Mr. Sharma is a potential trainee but he failed to train him in different department and caused Mr. Sharma only have one choice of department to stay which is the Paint Application Department. The Training Manager have to struggle on his rational decision whether to terminate or not to terminate Mr.  Sharma. There are five issues discussed in this report. These five issues are the main causes to the problem that the Training Manage has to decide whether he should terminate Mr. Sharma or not. The five issues are communication, employees behavior, compensation and benefit, company policy, training and development. Moreover, we also discussed five options to the Training Manager other than termination of Mr. Sharma. These five options are apply employee engagement program, training and coaching system, giving short period to show improvement, reevaluate performance of Mr.  Sharma and communicate and persuade the parties involved. HRM issues that cause to the problem Issue 1: Communications Effective communication is essential to business success. â€Å"You can tie back almost every employee issue attendance, morale, performance, and productivity to communication,† says Fred Holloway, an HR adviser in Medford, Oregon. Businesses without effective staff communication suffer from lost profits, poor productivity and poor employee morale. In order to solve many business problems, employees need to be able to collaborate and cooperate effectively. Good communication can encourage employees to work harder, solve problems together and work towards a common goal. It is the job of every manager to ensure employees and superior are communicating effectively with each other. In the cases of MIL, we found that there is some communication problems between shop manager and Mr. Sharma; Training Manager and Mr. Sharma as well. More interaction / communication between trainees has to be established especially for performance appraisal purpose. Reviewing trainee performance once at the end of every quarter is too long for training manager to review their performance accurately. Trainees’ performance might not be consistent from time to time and advise might need to be given to them. Also, training manager might lack of clearer understanding about their overall performance and problems they faced. Hence, this lack of communication between training manager and trainees including Mr. Sharma caused manager hardly to observe their actual performances, problem faced and what they really want or do they deserve to enjoy more benefit? These are all the grey areas that left out by performances review. Besides, Department Manager should be communicate and discuss with Mr.  Sharma before file a complaint on him to Training Manager. Department Manager obligated to understand employee problem and assist it to cope with problem faced. However, department manager failed to do so. This shows there is lacking of communication between Mr. Sharma and Department Manager. Listening and responding is how we understand the feelings and thoughts of the other person. There is no skill more important for effective communication than taking into consideration the other person? s perspective. Try standing in someone else? s shoes; it will considerably improve your communication with that person. In this case, Training manager doesn’t seem to communicate well with Mr. Sharma when Mr. Sharma voice out his request. The manager’s reply upon Mr. Sharma is more considered as a perfunctory to Mr. Sharma. This caused Mr. Sharma to feel that the request and problems were not being taken seriously by management. As a result, it de-motivated Mr. Sharma to keep on with training. Manager should standing in employee’s shoes to understand better their exact situation and their needs. It certainly assists a lot to improve communication between manager and employees. Hence, we suggest that manager should really look into the matter if any of the subordinate especially trainee voicing out opinion and requests. Manager should investigate and evaluate such matter deeply upon Mr. Sharma’s request to decide whether his performance is good enough to curtail his training period to 7 months and absorb him as engineer. Also, to look into trainee’s benefits whether it reaching satisfactory level for trainees or whether the matter is only happened on Mr. Sharma since there is an issue has been voice out by him. Issue 2: Employee’s behavior Employee’s behavior is referring to the way the employee responses toward his/her job. Generally, employee’s behavior can be classified into either positive or negative. A positive behavior indicates a strong employment engagement towards company whereas an employee with negative behavior shows low employment engagement. In this case, one of the issues found is the personal behavior of Mr. Sharma. When Mr. Sharma is being informed that his request to become a regular employee was disapproved, his attitude started to change differently. He then started to become de-motivated and started rejecting to perform in some task which assigned to him, telling that the assigned work should be done by ‘regular workers’ instead of a trainee. Such action did not receive any attention in the initial period but it then become erratic and unacceptable at last. We think that Mr. Sharma portrait an attitude of egoism. Mr. Sharma only focuses on self- interest without being considering for others. In this case, Mr. Sharma tried to demonstrate to the company by practicing de-motivate attitude in work. Employees in company supposed to work together as a whole and team work certainly the most important criteria. Unfortunately, Mr. Sharma failed to practice it in this case. Another sub-issue of the case is employment engagement. Mr. Sharma showed a low employment engagement to the company by becoming less aggressive and progressive towards the job as well as refusing to work on some task assigned to him. An employee with low engagement to company eventually lowers down the productivity and efficiency. We think that Mr. Sharma should have a long term view rather just focusing on short term benefits. As a part of the company, he should show an active, progressive and aggressive attitude towards his work to convince training manager that he deserved to curtail his training period and get promoted to regular employee. Issue 3: Compensation and Benefits Compensation and benefits is an effective tool and method to motivate and reward a employee based on their performance. However, it could be a sensitive issue between employer and employee while discussing the content of the compensation and benefits. In this case study, Mr. Rakesh Sharma requested that his training period be curtailed to 7 months only and to absorb him as an Engineer. He argued that he had been performing like a regular employee in the department for the last one quarter. He indicated that he would gain seniority as well as some monetary benefits as the trainees were eligible for a stipend only. The regular employees were eligible for many allowances like conveyance, dearness, house rent, education, etc. which was a substantial amount as compared to the stipend paid to a trainee. According to Mr. Sharma’s request, one of the main factors that he would like to be absorbed as a regular engineer is monetary benefits. Hence, the differences between his on-the-job training benefits and regular employee benefits have caused him to come out with the request. This is also one of the issues that lead to the eventual problem of termination. Employee compensation is the employee incentives and rewards that can make all the difference when it comes to retaining good workers. Generally, compensation and benefits for a regular employee will divided into four categories which are: 1. Guaranteed pay: Monetary reward paid by an employer to an employee based on employee/employer relations.  Generally, it also known as basic salary. Besides, there is other pay elements which are paid based solely on employee or employer relations, such as seniority allowance. 2. Variable pay: Monetary reward paid by an employer to an employee that is contingent on discretion, performance or results achieved. For example, bonuses, commissions, dearness, and so on. 3. Benefits: Programs an employer uses to supplement employees’ compensation, such as paid time off, medical insurance, company car, and more. 4. Equity-based compensation: A plan using the employer’s share as compensation. The most common examples are stock options. These are the compensations and benefits that will received if you are a regular employees of a company. However, Mr. Sharma is not a regular employee yet as his on-the-job training is still on-going and only 5 months left. Hence, he still considered as a trainee in the company. Although a trainee is not an official employee of a company, he or she might not have salary. But, trainee may receive compensation and benefits from company. Trainee will receive a fixed compensation of monthly payment from company. Depends on respective company, some company will afford trainee fringe benefits. For example, they will issue stipend for trainee, free meal is available for trainee. Besides, some company might issue health and medical subsidy for trainee too. Yet, a trainee compensation and benefits are still not persuasive when compare with a regular employee. Same with the case, Mr. Sharma requested to be promoted to a regular engineer is not because of his good performance on the job, it is also because of the compensation and benefits of a regular employee are more sufficient and attractive.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The “New World” Explorer

A common instrument of writers is to explore a terrain or new culture through the eyes of a stranger.  Ã‚   A stranger would seek to explore and discover all the facets and aspects of his new environment.  Ã‚   On the other hand, to introduce the world through the eyes of a resident becomes dull in time as the resident, having been familiar with most of the workings of his world, would leave much of it that is not within his immediate vicinity unmentioned or unsaid. In both the stories Benito Cereno and Daisy Miller, the protagonist is an American.  Ã‚   He also has had some familiarity of his environment, but not enough not to make him less of a stranger. This identity is beneficial, as the United States is psychologically set apart from the traditions of Old Europe, and even that of Spanish America.   The protagonists suddenly become pioneers, in their attempts to discover more of their immediate strange and unfamiliar territory.  Ã‚   This â€Å"New World† effect is more enhanced as outside of the limited perspective of the protagonist, the author carefully and quietly arranges appropriate symbolisms of object, expression and style to give a subtle reference to the traditions, American for Henry Melville, and European for Henry James. The immediately recognizable symbolism seen by the protagonists in Benito Cereno and Daisy Miller is represented through the symbolism of object.  Ã‚   These are embodied in concrete landmarks that have deeper context in their respective traditions.  Ã‚   In 19th century America, in Benito Cereno the landmark was the ship of the Spaniard, the San Dominick.  Ã‚   The ship embodies the restless, pioneering spirit, which first brought Europe in contact with the Indians of the Americas; it later becomes the lifeblood of the European colonizers, particularly the Spanish, in the form of the Galleon Trade and the Slave Trade.  Ã‚   It is therefore noteworthy that San Dominick represents both institutions in its housing both treasure and African slaves (Melville, 140). Henry James’ Daisy Miller depicts the landmarks as the landscape of the mountains across the Vevey lake, the Chateau de Chillon, and the Colosseum.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The castle represents the hundreds that dot Europe’s country, having been once the social and cultural centers from Medieval times even to the 18th century, when ruling families and aristocrats reigned in lavish palaces and mansions.   The Alpine mountains are a sight common in southern Europe: from Switzerland, Italy, southern Germany and Austria, and is reminiscent of its kin west in the form of the Pyrenees.   The use of French, from terminology to architecture, represents the dominant influence of the French since the Enlightenment, and the imagery of Rome—from cobbled streets to Colosseum likewise symbolize the preservation of Europe’s antiquity throughout its reverting to contemporary times. The fear depicted in both works, meanwhile, are symbols of expressions that, in their descriptions, also indicate the respective mindsets of the peoples of those times: for instance, in the period of Benito Cereno, the threat of piracy was a very real danger encountered by any captain.  Ã‚   The ship was the lifeblood of trade between nations, and in Spain’s case between Empire and colonies. Captain Delano’s spasms of panic at the possibility of the Saint Dominick crew being pirates were understandable. Social etiquette was at the center of the â€Å"gentleman’s world† in European social circles.  Ã‚   The fears were more directed at what harmed this â€Å"social order†: scandal.  Ã‚   Thus, in Daisy Miller, the growing fear in Daisy’s open associations with men of questionable character was that it fomented a scandal among social circles, as behavior that openly defied social norms. Discrimination also plays a substantial role in the fears, which feeds off the protagonists. Captain Delano’s worries are fed by the liberal actions of the Spanish captain towards the various incidences pointing to the African’s seeming â€Å"equality† with the Spaniard—the unpunished abuse by a slave boy towards a Spanish counterpart, the reactions of two slaves upon the brusque action of one Spaniard and the treatment of the African slave-prince Atufal’s defiance (Melville, 166).   Winterbourne’s fears are borne from the disapproving observations of the women of Daisy’s associations, as is described in Daisy Miller, as well as her habit of going out at night with a total stranger—once attempted with Winterbourne, then actually acted on with Giovanelli. The symbolism of structure and style is one that can be discovered after the second and third reading.  Ã‚   It gives the reader an indication of whether, like the American tradition, the narrative is one linear and direct and practical or uses subtle undertones, as is done in European cultures.  Ã‚   In Benito Cereno, the paranoia of Captain Delano grows through different images: the sight of the Ashantee slaves with their hatchets (Melville, 161), the comings and goings of members of the Spanish crew (151, 153), and the hushed conversations of his host and the African aide (153). When the ruse is finally discovered, the resolution is swiftly conveyed through an American expedition (189-192). In contrast, European literal tradition is more reflective and focuses on the varying subtleties of movement and speech.  Ã‚   The resolution, then, is less clear if the layers of meanings of the scenes that preceded it was not easily understood.  Ã‚  Ã‚   It was therefore, in Daisy Miller, through the careful study of the exchange of words between Winterbourne and Daisy in Chateau de Chillon leading to her sudden change in demeanor, her unforgiving chidings of Winterbourne in Rome of his final words to her in Vevey, and the confrontation between them in the Colosseum, could the tragic final scenes be clearly understood. Works Cited References Melville, Herman.   Billy Budd, Sailor and Other Stories.   New York: Bantam Books, 1984. Electronic Sources James, Henry.   â€Å"Daisy Miller†.   Daisy Miller by Henry James.   February 2001, Project Gutenberg, 02 May 2002 .

Friday, September 13, 2019

Mkt mgt part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mkt mgt part 2 - Essay Example This paper discusses the important facets which are required within the understanding of the final deliverable – the magazine itself (McCalley 1992). The segmentation, targeting and positioning of the product is quintessential towards achieving a clear cut understanding as to what exactly the newspaper is looking forward to in the coming times. In short, there has been an endeavor to balance the strengths of the magazine alongside its grey areas so that the company benefits from the same in the long term scheme of things. The market that is chosen for this product is that of United States of America. The market is comprised of individuals who hail from the middle class segment of the society. This segment of the society basically takes into consideration those people who earn their livelihood through day jobs and hence feed their families in a very hand to mouth approach. They buy newspapers in order to remain abreast of the world situations and events. Similarly, they will be receiving this magazine without any extra cost to their pocket. The market is segmented in such a way that it will cater to the desires of the audience and hence would take care of the needs and wishes of the segment that is being spoken about here. More than anything else, the segmentation is based on the principle of bringing about a major change within the lives of the youngsters by propagating a message of love, peace and understanding that will be inculcated through this new magazine that is a part of the newspaper which t heir parents have been buying for a long period of time now. Therefore the market would be segmented in such a manner that it brings about a proper divide amongst the masses and allocates the exact individuals who would be targeted with this magazine. The aim of the magazine is to make sure that the people remain in line with their understandings of a